Aimee, Musician & Film-maker, Broken Hill Wilyakali / Barkindji Country

Aimee has lived all over Australia, but she moved back here to her hometown of Broken Hill about seven years ago. She was working as a journalist for the ABC out here, and now works as a  musician with a production company, and also occasionally works on local community projects. She lives in an old stone house with a peach coloured corrugated iron shed out back, and she’d just put an outdoor bath in on the day I met her. There’s also a swing set in her yard that’s adorned with bones from the desert, which she often uses as the set for the music videos she makes.

When lockdown hit she was working for the ABC, and was one of the first people asked to work from home. Feeling isolated and unable to work on her usual creative projects, she invented an alter-ego; Mary Hagtoinette - a take on Mary Antoinette, if she were a slightly bogan, outback dwelling Aussie who spent her time curling her hair and punching darts in her backyard.


Alex & Ollie, Gallery Assistant & Carpenter, Broken Hill, Wilyakali / Barkindji Country


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